Kazakh Batyr Sergazy is a four-time world record holder in power feats, a Guinness World Record holder, and a six-time record holder in Kazakhstan. He is the official Sports Ambassador
of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Goodwill Ambassador of Kazakhstan.
The strongest man in the world
Provided 129 villages with sports equipment
More about the collaboration

Baseball cap, Frameless glasses for baseball cap,

T-shirt, Chapans, Hand gripper, Isometric strength frame, Boots


"100 auls"

"Intellectual class-constructor"


"Kazhymukan's Way"

"Gift a Home"

"Road to School"


For collaboration inquiries, contact the manager: seminars, trips, meetings, etc.

Hello my dear friend! I want you to know that I am grateful to you for being with me all these years! We have experienced a lot of challenging and interesting things, but ahead of us lies even more fascinating stories! You know that I'm working not just for the sake of it, but to glorify our strength culture, our Batyrs, to the whole world. Together, we can revive this Great culture! And I know that we will all succeed in doing this!

Believe in the limitless human potential, and always know that it resides within you! Be well-rounded... engage in sports, read extensively, strengthen your spirit, and become a professional in your field, and then you will see that you can change the reality around you! Never give up!

Your friend, Sergazy Batyr!

Sergei Cyrulnikov
World-class Strongman and Batyr